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Data Exploration: Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, Mental Health, Gambling, and Treatment

Welcome to the Data Exploration page, your gateway to comprehensive information and interactive visualizations on key topics such as Alcohol, Tobacco and Nicotine, Drugs, Shared Risk & Protective Factors, Mental Health, Gambling, and Treatment. This dynamic platform empowers you to create tables, maps, bar charts, and trend analyses, providing valuable insights into these important areas.


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In just a few steps, our platform will generate visual representations and comparative analyses, allowing you to uncover patterns, disparities, and similarities across regions of the same type.

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School disciplinary actions involving substance use

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Drug Arrests

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Adult drug-related arrests across the state of Minnesota spanning multiple years.

Minnesota Student Survey

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Minnesota Student Survey

Minnesota Student Survey Dashboard

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The Link Between Bullying and Substance Use: Insights from the 2017 Minnesota Student Survey

Fact Sheet

Discover the connection between bullying and substance use among Minnesota students. This fact sheet presents data from the 2017 MSS highlighting the prevalence, frequency, and forms of bullying.