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Warming up to SUMN Data
These resources are tools to help you get the most out of Minnesota's one-stop-shop for local ATOD data.
Online Training
Developed with the latest research, utilize these resources to learn about best practices in substance use prevention
Intervening Variables
Learn about what an intervening variable is and the different variables we use across the site.
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How to Use This Site

Intervening variables are factors that have been identified as being strongly related to, and influential in, the occurrence and magnitude of substance use problems and consequences. Risk and protective factors are types of intervening variables. Risk factors are individual characteristics and environmental influences associated with an increased vulnerability to the initiation, continuation, or escalation of substance use.

Protective factors include individual resilience and other circumstances that are associated with a reduction in the likelihood of substance use (Hawkins & Catalano, 1992).

For each intervening variable listed below, there are a set of local conditions. Local conditions describe why something is or is not a problem--this is how the intervening variable manifests itself at the local level. For example, social access/availability is an intervening variable while a related local condition might be alcohol availability at community celebrations. Local conditions can be monitored and measured using specific indicators. For the example provided, one specific indicator might be lack of wrist bands for persons under age 21 at community events where alcohol is sold.

Possibly: SUMN Data Sources

Check out these resources from our partners.


Best Practices Resources and Databases

Once you're armed with your data, you'll have to put it into action. Below is a list of resources to help you choose the best next steps to put data into action.


Analyzing Substance Use Indicators: A Guide for Data Interpretation


This educational manual explores practical techniques and factors to examine substance use metrics. Acquire the skills to analyze charts, select evaluation techniques, and extract conclusions.