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Tobacco & Nicotine


Impact of Flavored Tobacco on Youth: Factsheet 2019


The 2019 fact sheet from highlights the alarming rise in Minnesota youth's use of flavored tobacco, highlighting marketing strategies, health risks, and statistics.

Tobacco use in MN Schools

Tobacco Use by Adults

Tobacco Use

Youth tobacco use refers to the consumption of tobacco products, such as cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, and newer forms of nicotine delivery like e-cigarettes (vapes), by individuals under the legal age for tobacco consumption in their country or region. This issue is particularly concerning for several reasons:

  1. Health Risks: Tobacco use is one of the leading causes of preventable death worldwide. It is associated with numerous health risks, including but not limited to, respiratory diseases, heart disease, and various forms of cancer. For youths, whose bodies are still developing, the use of tobacco can lead to long-term health issues, addiction, and reduced lung growth and function.

  2. Addiction: Nicotine, a key ingredient in tobacco products, is highly addictive. Young people are particularly susceptible to nicotine addiction, which can lead to sustained tobacco use into adulthood. This dependency is challenging to overcome and can dictate health outcomes for a lifetime.

  3. Psychosocial Factors: Youth tobacco use is influenced by various psychosocial factors including peer pressure, family members who smoke, marketing by tobacco companies targeting young people, and perceptions of tobacco use as a means to relieve stress or attain social acceptance.

  4. Economic Costs: The healthcare costs associated with treating the long-term effects of tobacco use are significant. This not only places a burden on the healthcare system but also on the economy at large, due to lost productivity and increased healthcare expenses.

  5. Regulatory and Policy Challenges: Combatting youth tobacco use involves a complex array of regulatory and policy challenges. These include enforcing age restrictions on tobacco sales, regulating marketing practices of tobacco companies, especially as they adapt to new technologies and products like e-cigarettes, and implementing public health campaigns aimed at prevention and cessation.

Efforts to reduce youth tobacco use involve a multifaceted approach, including education, legislation, and community initiatives aimed at preventing initiation, reducing access to tobacco products among young people, and supporting those who wish to quit. Despite these efforts, youth tobacco use remains a significant public health concern due to the constantly evolving landscape of tobacco and nicotine products, such as the rise in popularity of flavored e-cigarettes.


2018 SUMN Tobacco Fact Sheet

This fact sheet provides comprehensive statistics on Minnesota's tobacco & nicotine consumption based on demographic data for healthcare providers and leaders.